How your Employees can Become your Most Valued Marketing Assets
05/12/16 Digital

How your Employees can Become your Most Valued Marketing Assets

The importance of influencer marketing, working with external influential profiles in social media and on the web, has become a widely used strategy for marketing departments looking to build their brand online. A lot of effort is put into identifying and working with the right blogger, YouTube-profile or other digital star that can help your brand reach and engage new target groups. What a lot of companies tend to forget however, is that the best ambassadors are usually hidden within a company’s own four walls; and are also known as employees.

This fall, I started the initiative Branding’em together with Emma Lindgren. We are convinced that companies can reach a whole new level of success and online influence by working strategically with engaging their own employees, and letting them be part of a company’s external communication.

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